Lawn Maintain

Create And Maintain A Beautiful Lawn

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When we consider installing a lawn, we generally think of the visual and physical comfort that it will offer us and the relaxation and sunny summers that will follow. But who says lawn also means mowing, watering, fertilizing… and very often moss, moles, yellowing, and weeds!

However, obtaining and maintaining a beautiful lawn does not require an excessive expenditure of time and energy. However, this requires certain knowledge, regular maintenance, organization, and special precautions


Mo wing is the most common lawn maintenance activity. Common and recurring, it nevertheless requires, to be properly carried out, some essential knowledge and precautions.

Mow Your Lawn

First, it is necessary to mow your lawn regularly. This helps develop its density and homogenize its appearance. In this way, your lawn will tiller more easily, that is to say, the shoots will develop at the base and in width and thus strengthen themselves and give a beautiful appearance to your lawn.

Growth of Weeds

The regular cut has another well-known advantage: it is easier! A lawn left to its own devices for too long will develop irregularly and encourage the growth of weeds. It will, therefore, be even more difficult to mow. Conversely, regular cutting will limit their spread.

Mowing Route

However, excessively recurrent cutting still has some disadvantages: it can compact the soil and limit the roots’ access to nutrients. It can also flatten blades of grass. So remember to change the mowing route regularly and cut your lawn about once a week in spring and fall. Reduce cutting in summer when the lawn grows slower.

The Type of Lawn

Optimal regularity, therefore, depends on the seasons but also, obviously, on the type of lawn and the local climate. In any case, do not hesitate to ask your landscaper for advice.

The lawn grows

Then, please do not cut it too short in order to preserve your lawn and encourage its roots to grow. It is generally recommended to never cut more than a third of the length of a lawn so as not to weaken it. A lawn cut too drastically will reduce its roots and, therefore, limit its nutritional capacity and its resistance to drought, diseases, and parasites. Allow approximately 3 to 5 cm in spring and autumn, when the lawn grows faster and thicker.

Aim for up to 8 or 10 cm in summer. Your lawn needs humidity in the summer, and a greater length protects the soil from the risk of drought and strengthens the roots and the lawn’s access to water and nutrients. Your lawn will also be protected from chafers, and the development of weeds will be limited. Also, avoid mowing during heatwaves so as not to weaken it further. Finally, if your lawn turns yellow and apparently stops growing during the summer, don’t worry: it’s normal! It will very quickly regain its beautiful color and growth with the first drops of rain!

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Another important element: remember to sharpen the blades of your mower. Well-sharpened blades will cut more cleanly and reduce the risk of tearing up the grass, leaving it more energy to devote to growing and strengthening. This will prevent the development of pathogens and the yellowing of the lawn while promoting its good health.

Finally, remember that you should always mow when the lawn is dry. So avoid rainy days and morning dew. Also, remember to recycle and cut grass. Cut finely, it can be used as a natural fertilizer. It can also be used as compost or mulch.

Rolling of Lawn

Rolling of Lawn

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Rolling is rarely practiced by the French. It is much better known to English gardeners, amateurs, or professionals, whose equipment we often see in British films. Although it is often neglected, rolling the roller is quite simple and particularly useful in the long term. It will give a regular aesthetic to the lawn and will also allow it to develop its tillering, contributing to fuller tufts at its base.

To roll your lawn:

  1. Use a material that is neither too heavy nor too light. The roller must not pack your land excessively, but it must be heavy enough to be stable and maneuverable and to do its job.
  2. Ride about once a month from spring to mid-fall, each time right after mowing.
  3. As with mowing, change the route regularly.

The operation will contribute to thick, healthy turf and regularly leveled and compacted soil. Rolling will tighten the blades of grass and flatten any air holes caused by frosts but also by unwelcome rodents.


As we have seen, regular mowing helps limit the development and spread of weeds. The same goes for moss, clovers, and other competitors to your lawn. However, some species are resistant, and some plants are tougher than others. Weeding is, therefore, often necessary to maintain a beautiful, regular, and resistant lawn.

Those we call “weeds” are, in fact, the plants that grow most naturally on your land. Unlike your lawn, they grow effortlessly, are accustomed to the local environment, of which they are a direct product, and do not need your help to grow quickly and healthy! The problem is that it attacks your lawn and its aesthetics. So how can we simply get rid of them, and how can we prevent their appearance and development?

First, you need to monitor your lawn and get rid of unwanted plants as soon as possible. Dandelions, horsetails, plantains, horsetails, and other weeds will be stronger and their roots deeper if you wait too long to deal with them. So pull them out as soon as you notice their appearance, taking care to grab their deepest roots by hand or using a knife, gouge, or hoe. Instead, operate after watering: the work will be even easier.

Then, for tougher, more widespread plants, you may want to consider using biocontrol herbicides (remember, synthetic herbicides are now banned). Here, too, weeding with the product will be more effective on young plants. Do not wait!

Concerning moss, its development is favored by humidity. So consider watering the affected areas less and possibly providing them with better sunlight. You may consider aerating the soil or enriching it with potting soil if it is too clayey and retains too much water. In addition to these precautions, if the moss bothers you and tends to grow, you can use an anti-moss product, generally composed of iron sulfate, on the invaded area. Please leave it to act for a fortnight, then proceed to scarify the earth. Finally, remember to collect the moss with a rake once detached from the ground.…

Watering of Lawn

Watering of Lawn

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Watering is the other major lawn maintenance activity. Unlike mowing, it must be done infrequently but copiously, especially in summer. However, if your lawn is often dry and if it seems to require more watering than normal, this could have several causes:

  • The climate obviously: it goes without saying that the lack of rain, whether exceptional or linked to the region in which you live, will mean more watering of the lawn;
  • Too many weeds: they are very hungry for water, which they can absorb quickly. To save water and energy, it is therefore advisable to get rid of it before watering.
  • Too compact soil: the soil on your land, particularly if it is clayey, is too dense. In this case, the water cannot penetrate deeply, and the roots of your lawn even less. From then on, they are quickly filled and absorb less rainwater and watering water. It is therefore necessary to aerate the soil…

A felted lawn

Felt is the layer of residue that accumulates at the base of the lawn and then hardens. Not only does the felt prevent water from penetrating the soil, but it greatly encourages the proliferation of moss on its surface. In this case, it will be necessary to scarify the lawn.

Apart from these specific situations, your lawn still requires normal watering. The water should then be able to infiltrate to a depth of 10 cm to benefit all the roots of your lawn. And you will need to water on average once a week in spring and autumn and every other evening – maximum – in summer. Never water during the day but rather in the middle of the morning or the evening to prevent the water from evaporating.

On average, your lawn needs around 5 liters of water per m² per week. But the best indicators of good hydration are primarily a matter of common sense and observation. Water abundantly but in a small stream and regularly: there is no point in drowning land that has been absolutely dry for weeks. It is also not good to water land that is not yet dry. The lawn must not lack water. However, it must strengthen itself by deepening these roots. By not watering it, it dries out; by watering it too much, it weakens. Water regularly and always wait until your land is dry.

Furthermore, during the summer, it is normal for the lawn to turn yellow: it is resting and must strengthen its roots. Water it normally. It will regain its beautiful color and growth rate with the first rains!

Scarification and aeration

Aeration and scarification are two activities that can greatly improve the maintenance of your lawn. They don’t need to be done often, but there always comes a time when they are necessary. They both allow water and air to circulate to the depths of the earth, allowing your lawn to obtain water and nutrients.

The first, aeration, consists of using an aerator roller and aerator pads or perforating your soil every 15 to 20 cm with a spade fork. As its name suggests, aeration consists of restoring air to your land which may be too compact due to mowing, watering, and trampling. The roots of the lawn can actually tend to remain frozen in soil that is too cramped and not take advantage of the nutrients around them. In addition, the water flows poorly and is always in the same place, drying out the earth and your lawn… Aeration will then give it a facelift. You will see that it will be invigorated, that it will grow faster and better, and that it will need less watering.

The second operation, scarification, aims to get rid of as much organic felt as possible, which tends to cover the surface of the lawn over time. This, composed of a hard and compact layer of natural residues, prevents water from draining and encourages the proliferation of moss. Scarification then consists of incising the ground with a manual or mechanical Scarifier. Repeat the operation every year, preferably during the growing seasons, in autumn or spring. Always finish by raking to rid your land of moss and accumulated residue.…


Topdressing and Fertilization

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One of the secrets to a beautiful lawn is the quality, quantity, and depth of its roots. A good frequency of mowing and watering, well dosed, helps to provide them. If you are trying to revive a tired lawn or if, despite good maintenance, your lawn ends up needing a facelift, you can consider topdressing and fertilizing it.

Indeed, after a few years, the soil on your land may lose nutrients, that is to say, phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen. Feeding it with soil or fertilizer will enrich it. The nutrients thus assimilated will restore the beautiful color to your lawn, expand its foliage, and help strengthen its root system. Your lawn will thus be all the better prepared for the passage of time and, in particular, for the droughts of the summer seasons.

As for composting, it should be preferred initially. It is more ecological and natural and, in fact, more effective in the long term. Indeed, just like fertilization, topdressing consists of nourishing your land with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Even more than fertilizing it, it will also contribute to the renewal of the earth, improve its structure, and, if necessary, correct its density and acidity. It will provide nutrients to your lawn in a gentle, diffuse, and deep manner by feeding it in particular with bark, minerals, peat, sand, manure, etc. Topdressing will thus take place with an aeration or scarification operation. To choose your soil carefully, ask a professional for advice: they will be able to guide you, or even, if you wish, test the soil in your garden to find out its specific needs.

As with potting soil, there are several fertilization products depending on the nature and type of your lawn. It is generally recommended to feed the lawn with nitrogen at the end of winter in order to visibly care for its leaves. But the most important thing is undoubtedly to provide it with phosphorus and/or potassium in autumn in order to nourish its roots. This will strengthen your lawn in the long term. In all cases, water the lawn thoroughly before and after spreading the fertilizer product. Always follow the advice given on the packaging and never exceed the prescribed doses. Furthermore, you can also always seek advice from a landscaping professional.

Finally, to nourish your lawn, choose ecological products. They are efficient, and your land will be even cleaner in the long term. Also, always remember to use freshly cut grass and compost as fertilizer. They alone will provide a very large portion of your lawn’s nutrient needs. You can even use coffee grounds or eggshells, which make excellent natural fertilizers!

How to properly maintain a lawn?

Fertilize the lawn twice a year.

To strengthen your lawn and obtain a green, dense, and resistant lawn, add special lawn fertilizer (based on nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) twice a year (in spring and autumn).

Prefer natural fertilizers to chemical fertilizers from the recycling of plant or animal materials. There are two types of fertilizers: “quick release” and “slow release”. The rapid release of nitrogen, to be used in spring, will promote rapid recovery of the lawn (growth, green color), while the slow release, to be used in autumn, will spread its effect over the longer term.

Fertilizer can be applied by hand or by spreader. The latter will allow you to disperse the fertilizer evenly. Water thoroughly after application so that the fertilizer penetrates the soil properly.

The addition of fertilizer strengthens the grasses and densifies them, which leaves less room for weeds and moss.

Tip: There are also fertilizers combined with anti-moss and weed control products, allowing you to spread less often and, therefore, reduce the maintenance time required.…

Removing Weeds

Removing Weeds from the Lawn

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We don’t always realize it, but many weeds grow at ground level and, most of the time, escape mowing. Among these weeds, we will mainly find clover, dandelion, daisy, buttercup, plantain, speedwell, thistle, etc.

It is better to get rid of them as quickly as possible during the season to prevent them from growing too much. To do this, it is necessary to remove them by hand or use a weeder.

Eliminate moss from the lawn.

The appearance of moss on your lawn is the result of shady, compact, poorly aerated, and poorly drained soil. The moss then suffocates the grasses, which disappear. Eliminating it is, therefore, essential for the well-being of your lawn.

How? There are two scenarios depending on the degree of invasion and the quantity of grasses remaining. If your lawn is heavily overgrown, you will need to rehabilitate the lawn before carrying out an annual preventive treatment.

Restoring a lawn overgrown with moss

Apply an anti-foam product.

If your lawn is heavily invaded by moss, you can spray an anti-moss product that does not affect the grass. The foam will then start to blacken after a fortnight.

Tip: In order to preserve the environment, when choosing an anti-moss product, choose one that does not affect the microorganisms present in the soil.

Scarify the lawn

You can remove moss from the lawn using a lawn rake or a manual or mechanical scarifier. In addition to eliminating moss, you aerate the soil; this will promote the supply of nutrient material to the roots, which will, in turn, strengthen your lawn.

Sow new seeds if necessary.

After removing the moss, there may be areas with no grass or only a few strands. You will then need to sow new lawn seeds on these parts.

Fertilize the lawn

In order to strengthen and densify the lawn, it is important to provide the lawn with a special fertilizer, as we saw above.

Annual preventive treatment against lawn moss

Each year, in order to eliminate moss or limit its development, it is important to respect these few points:

  • Rake your lawn using a lawn rake or scarifier in spring and fall.
  • Do not leave dead leaves lying around on the lawn during the winter.
  • Fertilize the lawn twice a year (spring and fall) to thicken and strengthen it.
  • Aerate the soil to encourage the penetration of air and water to the roots using an aerator ( soil aerator pad or spade tool).

Maintaining a lawn ecologically

It is possible to have a “perfect” lawn by using natural products that do not destroy the life of the microorganisms underground, which is essential for the proper development of the lawn. You should know that the use of chemicals (fertilizers and pesticides) destroys life underground and makes your lawn very poor from an ecological point of view and, what’s more, becomes dependent on these products.

To obtain a natural lawn, it is important to encourage the life of microorganisms underground and insects on the surface.

Here are some tips for maintaining your lawn in an environmentally friendly way:

  • Please do not use a pesticide to eliminate weeds, but remove them manually or use a natural herbicide.
  • Use an organic fertilizer from the recycling of plant or animal materials that can be used in organic farming.
  • If possible, use rainwater for watering.
  • Leave mowing waste on the lawn using the mulching technique, which will act as a natural fertilizer.
  • Mow the lawn a notch higher at 8 cm to strengthen the roots.
  • Develop biodiversity in your garden by welcoming various insects.